Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Bigest Size Of Women Clitoris

Wind power covers 53% of the needs of Spain (for a while)

Yes, as two days ago I read in Slashdot , Spain achieved record production in the early morning wind November 8, 2009.

Best of all is the record (which is good news in itself), but that REE is predicting wind power generation at all times to make the most power (by reducing the production of other plants).

Here you can see a graph of energy demand and what the contributing productions. Best of all, it is in real time. I also attach a screenshot of the graphical generation of the day in question to make it easier.

It is is talking about using these peaks in night charging of electric cars and for export of electricity. Keep in mind that in 2008 electricity accounted for 11% of the total (need to improve that figure).

In short, a great news for our country and my sincere congratulations to all who made this possible.

press release REE. News

PS: the image of the graph is a snapshot taken from the web application generation of electricity consumption in real time of REE (REE has all rights reserved and has been used without authorization.) Image the bull with wind turbines is Jesus Martinez and CC.