Thursday, June 24, 2010

Wedding Thank You Letter Wording


The European Commission offers a working document which explains the special educational measures to promote giftedness in school in Europe in June 2006

( ).

is a very interesting document which provides a general introduction, defines the target population, presents educational measures, information on the promotion of giftedness in teacher education and ends with a summary, glossary and appendices.

Education is recognized as one of the fundamental rights of every person. On this basis, each country provides the best possible education policy to meet the needs of all students, in order to promote equality of opportunity and enable all young people to develop their full potential. A recommendation of the Council of Europe in 1994 emphasized special educational needs of young people with exceptional potential.

"... As for practical education systems must be established to provide adequate education
most students, there is always
students with special needs that require special measures, among them the highly gifted (...)
gifted students should be able to benefit from appropriate educational conditions that allow them to develop their full capacities
for its own sake and for society in general. In fact,
no country can afford to waste talent and resources would be wasted
humans if not identify in time the potential intellectual or otherwise. This requires having the right tools
. "

According to the calculations and criteria used in different countries, gifted children represent between 3 and 10% of the school population.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Marvel Heroes Invitation

learning difficulties and dyslexia gifted child

Check out this SlideShare Presentation: