joint disorders. The
dyslalia concept corresponds to the disorder in the articulation of phonemes, or missing or altered by some specific sounds or replacement of these by others unfairly. It is the inability to correctly pronounce certain phonemes or form groups of phonemes, Pascual, P., 1992: 27
The dyslalias are classified into four types:
1. Dyslalias evolution.
requirements for the articulation of the phonemes of a language are brain maturation and apparatus fonoarticulatorio. The evolutionary dyslalias disappear over time and should never be operated before the age of four, Gallardo, J. and Gallego, JL, 1993: 172.
The evolutionary dyslalia expressed at that stage of child language development in which the child is not able to repeat and imitate the words you hear, to form the acoustic-articulatory stereotypes correct articulatory if these difficulties persist beyond four or five years can be considered as pathological, Pascual, P., 1992: 28.
The evolutionary dyslalias articulatory are anomalies that occur at younger ages, characteristics of child development. After six or seven years if they continue such errors can be regarded as joint diseases, Seron, JM and Aguilar, M., 1992: 285.
2. Dyslalias functional or praxis.
The functional dyslalia praxis is a disorder caused by a malfunction of the articulatory organs, Gallardo, JR, Gallego, JL, 1993: 172.
The dyslalia functional defect in the joint development of language, abnormal function of peripheral organs in which abnormalities occur coincident with the general concept of dyslalia, without any conditions or organizational changes in the subject, but only functional disability, Pascual, P., 1992: 27.
The functional dyslalia there is no organic or physical disorder that would justify this change, but a functional disability. They argue that errors made by children persist longer than those with a normal child, Seron, JM and Aguilar, M., 1992: 286. There are four types of errors:
• Replacement. It occurs in cases where the child articulates a phoneme instead. Example; gabo by tail.
• Failure. It occurs in cases where the child does not articulate the phonemes that does not dominate. Example; gobo by balloon.
• Investment. It occurs in cases where the child can not articulate a phoneme and interspersed with other sounds. Example; palato per dish.
• Distortion. It occurs in cases where the child produces a sound of a distorted and inaccurate, usually approximate the correct phoneme.
To name the various errors that occur in dyslalias uses the Greek term "lockjaw" or "schism" in this way are classified the most common types of substitutions or distortions, Seron, J, M and M Aguilar ., 1992: 286:
• ROTATION: Defects of articulation of the phoneme / r /.
• Lambdacismo: Defects of articulation of the phoneme / l /.
• sigmatist: Defects of articulation of the phoneme / s /.
• Gammacismo: defects of articulation of phonemes / c /, / g /, / k / and / q /.
• Deltacismo: Defects of articulation of the phoneme / d / and / t /.
• Mitac: Defects of articulation of the phoneme / m /.
• Rinoartria: Defects of articulation of the phoneme / m /, / n / y / ñ /.
When phonemes are replaced by others in this case the name of the error code is accompanied by "For", eg Paralambdacismo error which is the replacement of the phoneme / l / by another phoneme.
The functional dyslalia phonological disorder is also known as the child has poor organization of its phonological system and this system, the establishment of a phonetic inventory and production rules.
3. Dyslalias audiogenic.
The audiogenic dyslalia is caused by hearing impairment. The boy or girl who can not hear either not properly structured and confuse phonemes that offer some resemblance to not having proper auditory discrimination, Gallardo, JR, Gallego, JL, 1993: 172.
The audiogenic dyslalias are joint problems caused by hearing impairment. Hearing loss hinders recognition and reproduction of sounds that are similar, the gravity will be determined by the degree of loss, Seron, JM and Aguilar, M., 1992: 289.
The development of auditory perception precise language, so to get a correct alignment is necessary to have a proper hearing, the identification of the deficit responds to the hearing to a greater or lesser degree to prevent the acquisition and development of language, learning difficulties school knowledge, affection disrupts and alters the behavior social Pascual, P., 1992: 33.
4. Dyslalias organic.
The organic dyslalia joint disorder is driven by organic causes, the disorder affects the organs of speech, or by anatomical abnormalities or birth defects and whose name is diglossia, Seron, JM and Aguilar, M., 1992: 289.
The organic dyslalia disorder is driven by organic changes, Pascual, P., 1992: 34.
functional alterations caused by lesions of the nervous system affecting speech is called dysarthria.
The problem of articulation in dysarthria is due because of a brain injury cranial nerve being damaged, resulting in paralysis or ataxia of the muscles of the phonatory organs, muscle tone will be altered as a result of brain injury manifesting hypotonia or hypertonia, there will be difficulties in moving the vocal organs in swallowing, blow and mastication.
The anarthria, is the inability to properly articulate the phonemes.
functional alterations caused by anatomical abnormalities or malformations of the organs of phonation is called diglossia.