Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Heavier Implantation Bleeding With Twins

Avatar Happy New Year

To begin, go ahead I've seen Avatar 2D (in the traditional film, come on), so I have not been able to "enjoy" the "play" to Na'vi or their mounts.

If you read you can find spoilers, so if you have not seen the film see the corollary directly.


Some have said that this movie is Pocahontas and Dances With Wolves but because I have not seen either, I could enjoy it.

The argument is essentially as follows: aliens of primitive culture and biological (in the sense that all its development has been biological, not technological) are a hindrance to a mining corporation that wants to extract a valuable mineral. The corporation takes two parallel ways to deal with this problem: the imposition (Na'vi expel by force) and the absorption (giving culture and goods that can reach an agreement on the "relocation").

The soft path is the introduction of genetically engineered Na'vi bodies controlled by humans to teach language and human culture. This path does not work fast enough, so you opt for taxation.

The problem of declaring a war on aliens is that one of the humans who controls an avatar falls for the boss's daughter and decides to switch sides, resulting in a victory (we fear that temporary) against human Na'vi and expelling the planet. At the end of this human consciousness is replaced in its avatar, becoming one more, 100%, of the tribe.

Special Effects

Forget you're watching a movie synthetic, which has not recorded anything. This is the first time it happens. There must be millions of hours of computing in every scene.

is, I think the characters do not fall into the Uncanny Valley because the distinction between synthetic and real is difficult to appreciate.


Sorry soundtrack of James Horner fails to complete the dramatic scenes . I remember the final battle between the military and human Na'vi but the music was absent or did not fit with the action progressed.

Details to highlight

Is it a sci-fi movie or drama?

I am left with the idea that the sci-fi, even when very well treated, not just an excuse to tell a story: an environment. This implies that those who want to see a story of love and not want to see sci-fi have no problem in seeing the film. Perhaps they expect a great description of the world in 2154 will be disappointed.

Of course, I believe that all progress and machinery that appears is completely real in the sense that may exist in the next century. The mech, helicopters and launch vehicles are well made and technology (Even with the human connection-avatar) is credible. The

Na'vi biological evolution is not credible and talk with Mother Nature either. I say this because it is not normal for Na'vi have a mechanism of neuronal communication with many different living species (three, I remember now.) Who is the mother? "Gaia? "Pandora be an Desiccated Solaris?

Theme human religious, largely absent

Yes, you see a shaman Na'vi, the people worship a deity alien arboreal and are a spiritual people. But What demons believe humans? This detail is omitted and implied that only believe what they see. This in my view is quite simply amazing .

Being ever so close to death ( Pandora is worse than hell said Col.) I am surprised that no military they refer to life after death or any belief (whatever it is). A full-scale error.

The film features Na'vi as a group of tribes all have the same culture, language and technological level. This is not credible since Pandora is big enough for two Na'vi nations (given its level of technology) have no treatment ever. The story of the great unification of tribes is not credible, given the great distances (even with riders flying beasts.)

Another curious detail is the fact that assimilation efforts have had no success in any of the tribes, even those living away from mineral deposits.

Corollary view it worth it?

Yes and no.

The special effects are incredible but do not justify spending so much promotion (50% of the budget), as it could have done the same with less spending. Perhaps less technical quality, but just finishing.

argument is not new, some see an environmentalist ideology, but I see the phagocytosis of a primitive culture. Keep in mind that winning the aliens in the movie, but the question is how long? That is, how long will the mining corporation raze the planet? This detail is hidden from the viewer.

find not expect a masterpiece, using only the finest science fiction film (in terms of quality of rendering synthetic ) history.

Can I Put A Rectangle Tablecloth On An Oval Table

Well, that, since no congratulated Christmas, now with some foresight, I wish you a happy and a happy New Year's Eve 2010,: D

Sunday, December 27, 2009

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SocialSparks - Find sponsors for your blog

SocialSparks a platform advertising you can use to make money writing online.
In SocialSparks are companies willing to sponsor projects and paying for your blog written or in the form of banner. You can browse among hundreds of offers available on the proposal seeks to match in theme and language (a major difficulty is that most blogs are more oriented to English).

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YoFamilyTree - family tree, photos, biography, videos ...

Complete tool to create a family tree and create a network among members of the same family.
to share photos YoFamilyTree and videos between the players in the network, with added ability that each has a well written biography on the site.

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ViewMyLife - complete platform for your online presence

ViewMyLife , is a free platform where users can create a page web to share your life, personal or professional, with others.

on this website, they can share photos and videos, manage a calendar, chat with friends, plan events, manage contacts, send postcards, save files, send emails, create the family tree ... a true portal that aims to unify all the new web in a single application.

panel work is fairly complete, all-in flash (English).

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Free Banner Maker allows us to create text with multiple font types and effects, upload images, make degraded choose a wide variety of sizes, create borders.

are so many options it's hard not to get the desired result.

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HourVille - Buying and selling of hours

HourVille Project in which professionals can advertise their services offered per hour.
The need to hire what they want on the Internet, with the possibility of using the integrated payment platforms in the system.
A good way to find tutors, music classes, personal training and all professionals who are dedicated to volunteering their time.
good idea to implement it in our countries ...

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Coggno - Earn money by creating online courses

Coggno is a very useful online tool for those who are dedicated to creating online courses.

Through this platform you can create quality content to wait for students interested in courses or organizations wishing to use it for their courses.

Coggno brings the collective knowledge of experts, content providers, and educators from around the world and brings them together in one place to create an effective and efficient environment for creating and delivering online learning. Individuals, organizations and associations Coggno used to create and acquire content for higher education and their means of distribution.

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Founded on the principle of the integrity of the knowledge, Coggno creates an educational environment that serves all industry participants, facilitating the relationships of all participants and giving them the tools to organize that has the education and learning to new levels .

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Thursday, December 3, 2009

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I am also the Manifesto In Defense of fundamental rights on the Internet

this government has given freedom to cut first the canon, then identify the mobile, then your tireless fight against P2P payment a few days ago pirates, right now, kill a hunger sararahui. And to top it off, they want to close websites without a warrant. The question is no longer what's next that will only begin when political censorship and persecution of those who do not think like them (or do what they do not want)?

Therefore, I endorse the manifesto In defense of fundamental rights Internet.

More sources:

Manifesto "In defense of fundamental rights on the Internet "

Given the inclusion in the Draft Law on Sustainable economy of legislative changes affecting the free exercise of freedom of expression, information and the right of access to culture through the Internet, journalists , bloggers, users, professionals and Internet developers express our firm opposition to the project, and declare that ...

1 .- Copyright can not be above the fundamental rights of citizens , including the right to privacy, security, presumption of innocence, to effective judicial protection and freedom expression.

2 .- The suspension of fundamental rights is and must remain the exclusive competence of the judiciary. Not a close without trial . This blueprint, contrary to the provisions of Article 20.5 of the Constitution, put in the hands of a non-judicial body - a body under the Ministry of Culture - the power to prevent English citizens access to any website.

3 .- The new legislation will create legal uncertainty around the English technology sector, damaging one of the few areas of development and future of our economy , hindering the creation of enterprises by introducing barriers to competition and slowing its international image.

4 .- The new proposed legislation threatens the creativity and hinder cultural creation. With The Internet and new technologies have democratized the creation and release of contents of any kind, no longer come predominantly from cultural industries traditional, but from many different sources.

5 .- The authors, like all workers are entitled to live out of their creative ideas, business models and activities associated with their creations . Trying to hold legislative changes to an outdated industry that can adapt to this new environment is neither fair nor realistic. If your business model is based on the control of the copies of the works and the Internet is not possible without violating fundamental rights, should find another model.

6 .- We believe that cultural industries need to survive modern alternatives, effective, credible and affordable to adapt to new social practices , rather than limitations so disproportionate as to be ineffective in that they are pursuing.

7 .- Internet should function freely and without interference from groups that seek to perpetuate outdated business models and make it impossible for human knowledge remains free.

8 .- We urge the Government to guarantee the neutrality of the law in Spain Network, to any pressure that may occur as a framework for developing a sustainable economy for the future.

9 .- propose a real reform of intellectual property rights oriented end: return to the society of knowledge, promote the public domain and limit abuses of management entities.

10 .- In a democracy, laws and amendments should be adopted after due debate and consultation with all parties involved . It is unacceptable that legislative changes are made that affect fundamental rights in a non-organic law and deals with other matters.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

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Wind power covers 53% of the needs of Spain (for a while)

Yes, as two days ago I read in Slashdot , Spain achieved record production in the early morning wind November 8, 2009.

Best of all is the record (which is good news in itself), but that REE is predicting wind power generation at all times to make the most power (by reducing the production of other plants).

Here you can see a graph of energy demand and what the contributing productions. Best of all, it is in real time. I also attach a screenshot of the graphical generation of the day in question to make it easier.

It is is talking about using these peaks in night charging of electric cars and for export of electricity. Keep in mind that in 2008 electricity accounted for 11% of the total (need to improve that figure).

In short, a great news for our country and my sincere congratulations to all who made this possible.

press release REE. News

PS: the image of the graph is a snapshot taken from the web application generation of electricity consumption in real time of REE (REE has all rights reserved and has been used without authorization.) Image the bull with wind turbines is Jesus Martinez and CC.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

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Spanish science does not need scissors ... Fanaticism

I join the initiative of the Village of Irreducible protest the budget cuts in R & D that the government is planning (37% no less).

Spain is unfortunate that while countries where less is spent on R & D is this the first thing will be "sacrificed" for the sinking caused by this government. Yes, this government has brought us to a crisis (or deceleration as they said) because of their lack of foresight and their decision to win votes and satisfy the population on the basis of promises aimlessly.

want to make money now all we can out of the crisis, research (eye, according to the actual PSOE) Could not have spent that money on research E Plan rather than to slow the growth in unemployment ? Ah, no, then you would not have bought so many votes . We

the number 25 in the list of technological competitiveness.

Although I do not know what I regret, in a shitty country in which the employer is a bastard, start a business in Spain is more difficult in Zimbabwe, the competition for jobs is zero ( 33 in the world ) everyone wants to be an official and people are fanatical ideology (much more than their religion, curious) not wonder happen.

To fix this, you could start by investing as little 5% of R & D budget, officials do not take seats in the next 10 years, allow greater freedom to work and give aid and foreign investment. I know they will not do, but dreaming is free.

By the way, if you've got here and really think that what I say here is not Indeed, visit this page.

Monday, October 5, 2009

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On Friday of last week, I found myself at the pharmacy when a neighbor of the neighborhood I "assaulted" and told me the following:

This man had been talking to a worker of remodeling the streets of Granada and had told the E Plan was bread today, hunger for tomorrow and vote not think most Zapatero in his life. Of course, this worker said could not vote right because a worker can not vote never right. Bigotry in its purest form, we will.

without saying that this neighbor in the neighborhood (due me wanting to talk) he did not want me fighting (dialectically means) with the worker and let him run with his fallacious reasoning. Yes, it was just plain angry .

Continue this man said that in Spain we were unique and while other countries that rate does well, or the opposite party is in government if it so bad (if present). Regardless of ideology (ie, voting the opposite party if the government gets it wrong and no problems on it.) In Spain vote for ideology, even when that decision in stark contrast the gain or community.

Basically, I said that he agreed and that Spain had a lot of ignorance .

finished buying what I wanted and left.

will end the work of Plan E, all
go on the dole.

will vote for the PSOE
nothing will change, fanboys

dream of Franco,
no reason fans dream

Spain plunges us with
With that enough for us.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

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all the money to no one (or vs empathy. Selfishness)

Or put another way, classical English selfishness.

time ago I had a discussion on the subject of alcoholism with a friend. Take argument in the pejorative sense, ie, two-person conversation with stirring .

all started when I told him I was struck that people abuse alcohol because, as if to give them the status of your body (which is not well but it is understandable) then generated a Social Security spending that was avoidable . In short, I told him I thought was a sympathetic misconduct, but unfortunately common.

So far the thing was good, we understand that abusing alcohol is be dependent (addicted) to an intake of alcohol, either on weekends or every day.

angrily replied to (see PS) So my argument I wanted was "to remove the Social Security" and make private insurance. I said that alcoholism generated social spending (think about it quite recently because it is falling) and did not want to "remove" the SS kept answering me and then I wanted to take Social Security. I turned repeat that was generated waste of resources due to avoidable addition (generated by the uncontrolled "use") and he repeated his argument and alcoholism compared with diseases like cancer and the like. I tried to talk in terms of good for society and the like , but in vain. Displaying

would not go anywhere, settle the issue but I kept thinking that people do not mind spending the money of all then, do not take it as their own (although out of your taxes!).

Is not thought the less selfish and illogical? I'm going to harm me but then me society "fix."

PS: the truth hurts.
(image taken from )

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

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Manual in Spanish Sciphone i68

I leave you to download the manual in English of the Sciphone i68. Nelson Peña
Thank you for sending the file to upload to the page. I68


Vale also clear that the manual is created by

Monday, February 9, 2009

Are Ralph And Jack Gay?

How to convert videos for viewing on the i68 with excellent quality

To convert videos to MP4 format compatible with the phone and in excellent quality it is best to use the 08 Rockpod program

It serves to convert videos to different devices like the Iphone, Ipod, PSP and others.
The first thing to do is download it from here .

then unzip it to a folder and run the installer called ""

Once installed copy to the folder where you saved (usually "Program Files \\ . exe ") file
When we execute select iPod in the first field that says" Select device and filesize "and the second mark the desired file size.

Then click on the "Add List" to add the file or files to convert and press "Save Folder" select the destination folder for the converted file.

click on "Convert" and begins work.
The program is not very fast so that conversion will take a bit but that is due to the high quality end result.

Jerrycnv and shinjikakarot thank for the contribution.

--- --- UPDATE to

09/03/2009 Many people have had problems with the converted videos in this tutorial. Maybe work with some firmware and not in others.

For those who do not work I leave the explanation he had written on another blog for the P168 that works well in the i68. Let

convert 3GP videos. We can do it with two programs. The first download the following address:
For once we open right click on the red area that says OUTPUT and select "Output file saving management" and choose the directory where you want to save the converted files and then click "Save Changes".

now at the top in Table 1 Select "3gp (Sony Ericsson)" and Table 2 we MPEG-4 and 3 we leave it in AAC.

green sector in the left VIDEO video marking scale size 320:240. Mark 4:3 in aspect and select the frame / sec and bitrate depending on the quality we want (I tried with 12.5 and 144 respectively, and did well). The rest leave it as is.

Now drag a file from Windows Explorer to the area lower gray columns is "Active and click on the button CellPhone Sony "and select" Sony K700, S700, K750, W800, W550, W810 MP4 (176 * 144) "

Then we click the button" Convert Now "to start conversion work video. Some recommend the following
SETTINGS although I have not seen much difference
In settings: h263 video codec, frame rate 15, bitrate 256 hq

When ready just have to pass it to the Video folder on your phone and call the player video to look at where we want.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

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Games for Sciphone i68

Games i68.
There are many java games online to download and try, but most do not work either because they need more internal phone memory (it can not add memory cards) or does not support the touch screen.

After trying many files Java games, we make a list of some that work on this phone.

are 25 games and this is the list:


Keyboard JAM Touch Screen: A touch screen to achieve the "5" which usually serves as the select button. This chart is how to achieve the arrows and select

Age of Empires 2

Screen Touch


JAM Keyboard





Devil May Cry

JAM Keyboard



Flexis Extreme


Frogger Evolutions

Virtual On-Screen Keyboard

Hitman Blood Money

Virtual On-Screen Keyboard

Ice Age 2

JAM Keyboard

Kojak Detective Puzzle


Magnetic Joe


Maya Temples Of Secrets


Medieval Combat




Othello Deluxe




Paris Hilton DQ ML


Platinum Sudoku


S Club Manager Keyboard


Sherlock Holmes

JAM Keyboard

Sims 2 Castaway

JAM Keyboard


JAM Keyboard




Virtual On-Screen Keyboard

These games have three different modes of management on the screen that are displayed in the table.

means intuitively handled as if our finger off the mouse, pressing sobe what we select. Keyboard


This refers to the JAM program to convert programs that do not support touch screen to work (though not all do). Addresses can be achieved with on-screen gestures such as moving from left right to achieve the "6" or what would be the right arrow.


"Movements of stylus pen movement =" left softkey "special left key =" Right Softkey = special key right

Screen Virtual Keyboard: Similar to the above diagram
but do not make moves to get the numbers. Simply touch the zone number or address you want to accomplish. For example go right to simply touch the area of \u200b\u200bthe diagram labeled "6." Download games Sciphone i68 +

As we find more add to the list.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

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Gmail in the Sciphone i68 +

Having a phone like this with a good screen and wireless Internet, surely one of the first things to happen to us is the checking our email.
And probably a gmail account, mail has become very popular and it is difficult to find someone who does not have at least one account, if not several.
To use Gmail in the i68 + can enter from Opera Mini (see previous post) or you can use a specific Java application that called Gmail-g206

While installs like any other application, I advise you use https so if your ISP blocks other ports than the 80 does not work. Download Gmail-g206

Thursday, January 1, 2009

How Long Does It Take To Get Results Of Sti Test

Solution to Speed \u200b\u200bDial in the i68 +

Something as common as phonebook contacts assigned to the numbers called fast in the keyboard does not work in the i68 +
This has been the biggest problem I had with this phone but I finally found the solution to it.

Despite enable the option and assign the numbers (all valid options in the menu that are supposed to that) finally it is no use as no disability.

the end it turns out that the i68 + keys assigned speed dial numbers that are automatically stored in the SIM card in the order they were saved. So to have speed dial function as we should be at the top of the card we want to dial. This is done as follows: In the icon "Phone" (below left) that leads to the schedule you select "Quick Search" ("quick search") and seeks contact.
is selected and then go to "Copy" ("Copy") and then to "Copy from phone to SIM1"

Do the same for other contacts.

call now to go to the dial screen ("dial") and write the speed dial number followed by #

We will call the contact and click on the green phone icon is at the bottom and select since calling card.