Thursday, October 1, 2009

Make Your Own I Heart Boobies Bracelets

all the money to no one (or vs empathy. Selfishness)

Or put another way, classical English selfishness.

time ago I had a discussion on the subject of alcoholism with a friend. Take argument in the pejorative sense, ie, two-person conversation with stirring .

all started when I told him I was struck that people abuse alcohol because, as if to give them the status of your body (which is not well but it is understandable) then generated a Social Security spending that was avoidable . In short, I told him I thought was a sympathetic misconduct, but unfortunately common.

So far the thing was good, we understand that abusing alcohol is be dependent (addicted) to an intake of alcohol, either on weekends or every day.

angrily replied to (see PS) So my argument I wanted was "to remove the Social Security" and make private insurance. I said that alcoholism generated social spending (think about it quite recently because it is falling) and did not want to "remove" the SS kept answering me and then I wanted to take Social Security. I turned repeat that was generated waste of resources due to avoidable addition (generated by the uncontrolled "use") and he repeated his argument and alcoholism compared with diseases like cancer and the like. I tried to talk in terms of good for society and the like , but in vain. Displaying

would not go anywhere, settle the issue but I kept thinking that people do not mind spending the money of all then, do not take it as their own (although out of your taxes!).

Is not thought the less selfish and illogical? I'm going to harm me but then me society "fix."

PS: the truth hurts.
(image taken from )


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