Gifted children need support and special educational programs to foster their intellectual development. Today there are many models and educational activities to assist in the education of these gifted students, which in recent years have varied according to available resources and educational priorities. Then point out
some highlights:
This method involves placing the child in the grade it deserves, not by chronological age but by mental age, and can thus make higher grades or any course in college. The child accelerated course or courses, gain more time to finish before school.
Under English law, can make the acceleration of these children but in order to perform this acceleration, we must not only look at the intellectual and cognitive development but also in their psychological characteristics and social development in which the child will stay and see
will not suffer negative effects on it.
Classroom Support:
This type of educational model is made within the ordinary school and where students with high ability will be supported by specialist teachers hired by the school, which taught them a special educations tailored to their needs. This is not a modification of the curriculum but to inquire into various matters. Regular Classroom:
This type of model is to keep these students in their classroom reference along with the rest of his teammates, which is the most common in schools.
specific groupings:
This type of education is to enroll the child in a classroom or exclusively for the gifted. In these classes the curriculum is adapted depending on the level of the students. This method has several points of view, as some believe it is positive since the considered motivating and ensure that adequate performance will encourage the child, but others consider it negative because it causes a distortion of elitism and self-concept of children.
In general, clustering is not too specific and therefore agreed to propose two alternatives as intermediate solutions - School Satellite: Aimed at secondary school. In these schools would be grouped gifted children would attend classes one or two days a week while developing the national curriculum in a mainstream school.
- Special Lecture: This room would be placed within the mainstream school and its students develop their own curriculum depending on their characteristics.
Among the programs that exist for this type of students we found:
skills that
This program is a measure that is offered to such students for free and voluntary, which takes place outside the school curriculum and has as main objective the deepening of certain areas of knowledge through experimentation , research and creation.
It takes place in fortnightly periods on Saturday morning and lasts for one school year where activities that complement and deepen the regular curriculum.
The program's main goals are:
- The development of divergent thinking and creativity
- Developing the skills and personality of students
- Reinforce positive strategies
relationship between equals - Getting a good team environment
- Taking
enriched learning environments - assess each other with their differences as a source of enrichment
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