Thursday, January 20, 2011

Best Acne Foundation 2010

and today, we thought .... And we

Hi girls today was Thursday and I met with my sewing compis. First we had breakfast and chatted. Then we started thinking to do. We decided, we jumped from one idea to another. Then to look at books. Then we began to see zillion things to do. We saw one of ahhhhhhhhh !!!!!!! and said,
it!! Now to choose fabrics
After photocopying, study the project, see how they were going to do .....
In short, everything except sewing .... I did not touch the needle!
but so much fun!!
the end, I put everything in one bag and I will not open until Thursday comes.
And of course, I'll leave you intrigued, because I will not tell you that we do but ..... 0s
'll show fabrics ...... hehe ... do not be angry with me, eh??

And I will not touch the bag on Thursday as I plan to finish AND of quilting Quilt Mystere or whether
Valdani out!

And quilting !!!!!!!
and I are very few blocks and the truth is that with very fast Valdani is quilted and it's fun because they do not have to follow any scheme is easy ...

In each block I'm using a different color ....

What happens is that in the pictures it seems to me that is not appreciated ....

padding This technique is great, I love ....

And touch is very very hot ....

Here we can see better the overall effect ....
You see, each block has a padded a little different .....

Well, the next picture to teach you this quilt will be .....


And as I said Marisa , I'll do a photo involved in it !!!!!!!

And I can not go without show you some pictures of the beauty of my land. This weekend we had in the mountains in the Picos de Europa.
rent this house with some friends .....

And we dedicate ourselves to walk in these places so beautiful ...
to a cold stripping!!
I confess I took the Mystery Quilt in a bag but it got to take.
Miguel was unloading things from the car and I heard him say
But hey, look at the junk that comes pal monte !!!!!

And, as always. I met my friends horses. Behold
beauty. Besides, they were noble, and we were allowed to play when we were going!!

And with this picture so pretty, I take leave of you and give you a hug!!


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