Special Education has passed through the years through various stages of conceptualization, development and transformation. Of course, at the legislative level, great advances in the treatment of diversity, dating from the last few years, when Spain became part of the European Union and ratified the agreements with the UN .
Initially, the difference was not accepted, children with disabilities were hidden in their homes and nobody cared about their education.
late nineteenth century, with the Moyano Law, shows a concern for the education of children with sensory impairments, excluding legal protection throughout the rest of disabilities.
is in 1970 when significant changes occur in the English legislation important to the General Law of Education . Legal adoption occurs the term Education Special. This is the first English Education Act which provides education for all and all, without exclusion. Keep in mind that international agencies have put strong pressure on the regulatory evolution of educational treatment of diversity. The United Nations Organization (UN ) from 1966 began a program aimed at developing cooperation with other agencies to carry out worldwide, analysis and studies on special education and to provide member countries experts and consultants who help plan activities for the poor and to train qualified teachers; The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD ) was initially founded in 1961 by a group of countries, including Spain and its main purpose is the promotion of economic progress and world trade. Within the OECD highlights the Center for Educational Research and Innovation, created in 1968.
Spain, still had a long way to go but began to value education for all, yes, on an exclusive Special Education.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights also guided the development of the English Constitution . Obviously, we changing. The concern now is respect for all and benefit of the rights of all citizens in all facets of life.
In 1990 publishes the Organic Law on the Education System (LOGSE ), which increases at 10 years of compulsory schooling and distance is shortened with the countries of the European Union in which Spain had entered in 1986 .
The Salamanca Statement on Special Needs Education: Access and Quality "(1994) is an important stimulus to integration. In the recent educational reform in Spain, reflect the ideas of inclusion of the Declaration of Salamanca.
In 2006 promulgating the Law on Education . Is the law that have greater involvement with the educational treatment of diversity. Education system values \u200b\u200bof inclusion, diversity because it enriches all children. Title II of the Act deals with groups of pupils who require educational services other than the ordinary because they are somehow special educational needs and provides the necessary resources to undertake this task with the goal of full inclusion and integration. The appropriate educational response to all students is conceived from the principle of inclusion, understanding only in this way ensures the development of all, it promotes equity and contributing to greater social cohesion. Attention to diversity is a necessity to include all stages of education and all students. That is, it is to contemplate the diversity of the students, as a principle and not as a measure that corresponds to the needs of a few.
We are at a historical moment where the English citizens accept the disability, and the laws supporting the education of all on equal terms.
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