Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Whats Said About Rubbertech


- SICLA Program: A program that consists of three applications that can communicate through computer and phone, manage e-mail and do "talk" to the computer using the BLISS and the SPC.

- ALES Program (Access to Written Language) for students with physical disabilities. This material is intended primarily for teachers with students with physical disabilities, whose handling and speech are severely affected. Although it should be noted that this software can be used with any children, regardless of disability, as the contents that are working are themselves the process of learning written language.

- GRADIOR Program. It is a simple software tool that provides professional training and rehabilitation for brain computer cognitive functions as attention, memory, perception, calculation ... in people with dementia, schizophrenia, cerebral palsy, mental retardation, etc.

- visual support for the Communication . CDs, published by the Ministry of Education of the Principality of Asturias to aid communication through visual aids. Material prepared in the Working Group developed in the Special Education CP "Latores" to assist in teaching communication, using visual aids of various types.

- SPCPrinc Program Emilio Rodríguez Sastre (1994), also known as "Hola Amigo! Has a Professor menu to set the graphics library, the selection of images and learning module configuration and communication for each child. works aspects of visual discrimination, the immediate visual memory and visual association significantly between different symbols pictographic and the concept they represent.

- Winspeak Program. It is a communication program based on symbols that allows a person who can not speak, communicate using a computer. Winspeak uses real voice recorded on the computer and synthetic speech, it occurs through software and a sound card installed on your computer. Winspeak is easy to use and adapts to the individual requirements of each user.

- Boardmaker program. Communication Program containing more than 3,000 communication symbols (SPC). This software provides fast communication boards, find and paste symbols easily to the board, choose the size and spacing you want, and keep your board iimprimir for later use, printed boards in black and white or color, save, name, find, paste and resize the images that were created in another program or copied by a scanner, create educational materials, instructions with pictures, books adapted or posters (these can be done with this program or a publication allowing the creation of bitmap symbols).

- Windbag Program. Program text-based communication for people with speech difficulties. Windbag uses real voice recorded on the computer and synthetic speech, it occurs through the software and a sound card installed on your computer. Being able to switch between natural voice (recorded) and synthetic speech, the program offers great benefits during a conversation and Windows 3.1 or higher.
http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=es&sl=en&u=http://www.sensorysoftware.com/windbag.html&ei=I2x6S6m-B5Sz4gbVid2uCg&sa=X&oi = translate & ct = result & resnum = 1 & ved = 0CBIQ7gEwAA & prev = / search% 3Fq% 3Dhttp: / / www.spectronicsinoz. / Program% 2BWindbag% 26hl% 3des% 26lr% 3D% 26sa% 3DG

- Strawberry Project: Software for Special Education: Physics, Mathematics, Statistics, Music, Philosophy, study of sound and voice ...
http://www.xtec.es/ ~ jlagares / eduespe.htm


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